Mersin Chamber of Commerce & Industry
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Mersin Cennet Cehennem

Industry 4.0, the new Industrial Revolution shall be comprehended accurately Published at 01.02.2016

On my previous articles, I mentioned that the world has been through a new industrial and production and manufacturing revolution.

Industry 4.0, the new Industrial Revolution shall be comprehended accurately

We are talking about an industrial revolution including information and communication technologies named as ICT, internet, a miraculous information sharing area named as web and most importantly, with ordinary people such as youth, the ones with an idea instead of a capital, expert in computeers and a little coding, and the ones curious about designing instead of great capitalists, expert engineers, global brands or factory owners in the base. We are talking about a production through which we can say “desktop” before factories. We are talking about the men, women and young people in their houses, but getting involved in the industry.

What are the values new Industrial Revolution serve?

When we think about IT, Facebook and Twitter are the first things to come to mind recently. Those kind of platforms are also important, but it is perceived as if there is nothing to do about production, and computer world only focuses on such areas. Besides, some societies think that IT is a “parasite” producing only virtual materials, not concrete and valuable ones. Moreover, there is another perception alleging that the youth interested in IT and computeers can ever have a bound with production world and industry. Here is the point where INDUSTRY 4.0 breaks this perception. There are young people establishing their own companies in the middle of world industry in their dormitory rooms. There is a new designer generation willing to produce in the center of new designing revolution and making designs in a room of her/his house, building prototypes with 3-D printers and writing computer programs for them. That mentioned profile is not as much common as of in USA, but our aim is to create this ecosystem by reviving this issue. When our articles start impressing others, the software writing lessons are going to be put into primary school curriculum. This is good news.

Not the shape but the actors of the production is changing…

It means within this new industrial revolution the way of not performing, but the performers are changing. Moreover, internet gives the opportunity to the ordinary people, to the intelligent youth with an idea without a capital, through the fair field it enabled and democracy to be a global player. Previously an author was asking this question in one of his columns: “What are the values new Industrial Revolution serve?” I think the best answer should be: it serves to democracy, equality, justice. The great capital owners are no longer going to be the only ones to have a say in economy. You are not obliged to huge factories to produce something. Now, everybody can be a manufacturer with a computer, a simple and affordable 3-D scanner and printer, personal laser cuts and CNC tools. Local governments’, ministries’ or our mission here is to create places to bring those young people together and provide them those equipments. Such places are called as MAKER SPACES in the world. MAKER SPACES are the places where youmg people interested in design, production and coding meet, make a common sense, communicate each other and produce prototypes by using hardware and equipments –the 3-D printer, laser cut or CNC stand-. And the next step is to announce it to the whole world via a website. If it attracts attention, then the next thing is to do is the mass production. At that step, great factories and investors come to those meet those young people with their own will. This is what we call ecosystem. Otherwise, neither new enterpreneurs could be trained, nor the inventors become enterpreneurs through an order, law or instruction. Nice ideas fade in shells and dreams. This is the description of new industrial revolution. 

It is also sad to see there are authors perceiving those movements as conspiracy theories on the other hand. The fact that an approach of one of our authors towards INDUSTRY 4.0 about mentioning it in Davos meetngs is as “The world plots against us again” and “A new trick of capitalism” shows us how far even the intellectual societies stand from the subject. we would always call the state as conservator status quoist. We can see that our state has a wider vision and cares about information and tries to catch the era about this matter. Both research and development centers and program language writing courses added to curriculum prove this effort. We congratulate related ministries within this scope. However, those supports become baseless unless this ecosystem is created. Those areas named as MAKER SPACES, those “district studios” shall be opened in every city. Local governments should also support. Now our respondent is youth:

The youth willing to produce, listen to me! 

You should be not only iinventors, but enterpreneurs as well. If you don’t have the sense of enterpreneurship, you die with your beautiful ideas. Design, produce and sell whatever comes to your mind… Otherwise; you will be one of the ordinary people complaining like: “Once I thought about this.” Do you know how? Industry 4.0 provides you this opportunity. The new industrial revolution…

Throughout history, enterpreneurship was whether to open a grocery, or to establish a middle size local business, or to go bankruptcy instead of getting wider. What about now? Now we are experiencing the “spoiling” ease of the thing called WEB in enterpreneurship. Everyone with a good idea and a laptop can plant the seeds of a world-changing company. You might fail. But those failures are different from the damages and banktrupcies traditional enterpreneurs faced. Nobody gets into jail when a start-up fails, nobody goes on banktrupcy. This is the nicest part of the WEB world. Welcome to the “democratic” world of invention and production… You don’t have to be amongst the priviliged elites. You don’t have to be one of the great capitalists. You don’t have to be a global company monopolizing some fields.

Not the companies but the human occupies the centre of this business…

Somebody with an opinion about a service may turn it into a production or computer programme by CODING, and CODING doesn’t require a special computer training, anyone can do this online. There are no patents, but ideas as it is OPEN SOURCE. A generation open tos hare and co-creation is coming to stage. 
DIY is not a new notion, but it’s been through a transformation. It is the abbreviation of “Do It Yourself” Design it in mind at first, and then make a prototype with 3-D printer, and then CODING comes and the last step is producing… Promote it via WEB, market and send. Check if it’s purchased or not. If so, factories and investors come and find you for mass production. This is the new industrial revolution for whom cannot understand it. And our mission is to create the right education and infrastructure revealing that new producer profile, the ecosystem in other words. We have no other choice in order to stay alive in 21st century…

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